Robyn - a life story that inspires
My name is Robyn and I consider myself a refugee from a lifestyle that is being perpetrated world-wide. I grew up on the peak of it: the United States of America. Born in New York to more recent immigrant and longer-term settler lines of ancestry. My father’s people landed in New York around the turn of the 20th century from Hungary, and my mother’s people had left Scotland (or been forced off of their land, as is more likely!) and repatriated overseas some centuries earlier.
My parents were lower-middleclass students at University when I was born. The year was 1971 and they were part of a movement aimed at “making love not war,” experimenting with consciousness-altering chemicals and listening to consciousness-enhancing music. I was conceived in the town of Woodstock, of the famed music festival. Growing up within a counter-cultural context nourished my already free spirit, helped my open mind stay that way and fed me an ideology of inclusivity and nonviolence even as the reality outside of our small bubble was quite opposite…